Appy is a modern- clean- stylish Elementor app landing templates kit. This is made with Elementor free version and very easy to understandable kits. Used on modern design trend which helps you make your app page- app landing- app showcase pages.
If you want to market your app page or your app sale page then Appy Template kits help you to make your app showcase- app sale- or app landing pages. We used the Elementor Free Plugin which is not required to pay any extra amount of money.
What’s Included
- Full Page App Landing Tempalte
- Header Sections
- Hero Sections
- Client Logo Grid Sections
- Service Sections
- App Features Sections
- Faq Sections
- App Screenshorts Sections
- Testimonial Sections
- Price Table Sections
- Call To Action Sections
- Users Sections
- Footer Sections
More Fratures
- Easy to understand sections
- Unsing Free resource not required any extra amount
- Google Font used
- Easy to understand sections
- Responsive Templates
- Used Elementor Basic Elements
- Nice- clean and minimal design
- Image carousel used to display your app showcase
- And much more..
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